Name Artworks

We started our first full week of school with some name-based art projects. I asked students to write their names in capital letters (we introduced cursive writing earlier in the day and discussed how our capitals have no flicks or entries). 

I asked them to make sure their capital letters filled the entire page space and to squash them together to make spaces to shade between. 

We then used oil pastel to colour each section to create a vibrant design. 

I displayed some of the windows and the sunlight coming through looked great! 

We also did a first name initial artwork. I printed and laminated a set of letters and students used them to trace in four quadrants of their page. I asked them to rotate the letter 90 degrees for each tracing. 

We then used fluorescent oil pastel to shade and black crayon to outline. 

I displayed them on these art boards I have made for my classroom. They will be permanent fixtures in the classroom for the year. I laminated quill board and hot-glued a peg onto the board. This will make it very efficient for me to display artworks throughout the year - and it brightened up my delightful timber panelling ;) 

Congratulations to the wonderful little artists that created these artworks - they are so proud of their displays.

On a side note, I got a RIC Publications Maths Box recently and am enjoying how fast and easy it is to provide for extension and a range of abilities in independent maths time.

I am also loving my Elizabeth Richards book boxes, not just for our reading groups and work books but for storing our watercolours. Perfect size!

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